“India has the dubious distinction of being the nation with the largest number of child laborers in the world.” (Azad India Foundation, 2010)
Child labor is a big issue in India. India has a big population and it is getting bigger. Due to the large population, people living in India don’t have enough jobs and some don’t have place to live. Mumbai is one of the big cities in India and it is over populated. In Mumbai some poor people don't have place to live so they sleep on the sidewalk. People living in slums don’t have jobs which can fulfill their needs. According to the "Child Labor" article, "Poverty is the reason for the child labor in India." (2008) Poverty plays a big role in child labor. Families have don't have enough money so they made their children work. Child labor is not easy for children. Children sacrifices their education and their childhood experience. They don't get to explore themselves. These children struggles a lot and don’t get paid enough. Child labor is a source of income for poor families. Parents have no choice; they send their children to work so they can have enough money to eat.
Azad India Foundation, (2010). “Child Labor in India”. Retrieved, 23rd February, 2011. http://www.azadindia.org/social-issues/child-labour-in-india.html
Child Labor, (2008). “Child Labor in India”. Retrieved, 23rd February, 2011. http://www.childlabor.in/child-labour-in-india.htm
Gupta, Pranay. Gupta, Sohini, (2008). "Extreme Child Labor in India". Online video clip. YouTube. Retrieved, 23rd February, 2011.